Welcome to Holly’s Greetings - poetry cards and note cards that celebrate the wonder of the world. You may buy them by visiting or calling Barrett Bookstore (203-655-2712) in Darien, Connecticut, or stop by The Cashmere Sale in Darien or Westport, Connecticut. North Haven Gift Shop in North Haven, Maine, also carries her work or contact Holly and buy from her directly.
Her 4.25 x 5.5-inch poetry cards ($4 each) sell in packs of 4 ($12) or boxes of 8 ($24), too. Buy her Maine or Darien note cards in packs of 4 ($10).
Holly donates twenty percent of her profits to Razom Emergency Response, which ships tactical medical supplies and other equipment to the soldiers and citizens of Ukraine. As of now she has made seven donations: in March, June, and October of 2022, in February, August, and December of 2023, and in December of 2024. 🌻🇺🇦